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I also decided I’d rather not get raped in the dirt, sand, and broken glass on a bed of broken concrete,” I said.“Well damn! You are honest. It’s too late to take you home tonight. We’ll go to my place where you can be safe while you reevaluate your plan to lose your virginity. The police are worse than those boys and considerably rougher. The fire station guys are a definite improvement over the police, but if the squad has to do a run, the scum will be left with you at the station. The hospital is full of junkies, and no one there has time to babysit you.“Like you said earlier, I’ve got some practice being honorable, so I’ll do my best not to help you do anything irreversible before morning,” Mr. Gerald said.We walked several blocks and climbed the stairs up to an apartment on the fourth floor. There were four different deadbolt locks on the door. Mr. Gerald took out his keys and unlocked the deadbolts. He opened the door, and I followed him inside.It was neat, but not OCD, so I. Stop!” She groans as if someone has poured ice cold water down the back of her neck. She sits up, hands on my head again she holds me down, there’s no escape, I fight through, licking her wildly until. “Oooooh.... God!” She flings herself back onto the bed squirming wildly as if possessed as she cums on my face. I want to lick it up but I leave it there so I can rub it all over my shaft before I finally have my way with her.She pulls me up and we kiss smearing her cum all over her face as she continues to grind against me. I guide my throbbing shaft between her legs and he finds his was home as I slip effortlessly inside her. I continue the momentum driving balls deep inside her sending a shock wave through both our bodies as we gasp in harmony.I start at a brisk pace for a few seconds, savouring the sensation of feeling her sweet slippery substance all over my shaft and soaking my balls. It’s a matter of seconds before it becomes a frenzy, my wet sopping balls slapping her anus as I.
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